Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Creative Title for Evolutionism vs. Creationism essay.?

I need a creative title for a research essay on why both Evolutionism and Creationism should be taught in school.

Do you think Indian Muslims should be sent to Pakistan, as Varun Gandhi said?

Forcible transfer of populations and forcible deportation of people based on religion are crimes against humanity. India would make itself an international pariah if it attempted to do such a thing.

What Movie Should I See?

If you are talking about the list then Spirited Away. You are talking in general then HOT ROD absolutely hilarious.

I have a huge crush on this girl and?

"All of the greatest moments of mankind were a result of man's knowledge of his weaknesses, and his attempts to overcome them. As our frontiers shifted from land to sea to space, we pursued our visions and only claimed our stake in the glory of this universe and it's vast infinitance because we were willing to sacrifice everything to gain that something. Though we might have tried and failed many times, it is never the failures which stand remembered throughout the transcension of time, but it is the attempt, in and of itself, that we all look back upon in our times of overwhelming fear or uncertainty. When the Persian army, one of the largest armies of its time, stood over the three hundred Spartans of Greece, though outnumbered they were, despite not a chance they had, the Spartans rose and fought to defend their home, and though they might have lost this battle, it is only ever the attempt that we, as men, remember. This has been proven time and time again. One cannot reside in fear of failure, and believe that the illusions they suffer are life itself, as a life centered in avoiding risk, is a life only half lived."-Jonathan M. Poli, 2011

Any one looking for 92 honda prelude?

i have a honda prelude 92 with brand new rebuilt engine, panger side front and rear axle me for pictures

Machusetts people! Who are you voting for: Martha Coakley, Scott Brown, or Joe Kennedy?

SCOTT BROWN because he will not spend like an idiot and will keep taxes low! And, unlike Coakley, he IS A RED SOX FAN!

Can two men intimately love each other?

I am most likely coming to the conclusion I might be bi. I have ual attractions for men and women. But I just believe my love is destined to be shared with another women. However I have been questioning this. Can two men love each other like a couple? I am not being offensive to gay men who are, I just often find it hard to believe. In my life I haven't come across any real compionate men. Most men I have met. Tell me to F off, slander me and some tried to beat me up. I just think men in general are very vicious towards themselves. We are obsessed with controlling one another. I hate to generalize. But finding loving compionate men. Just seems to be rare and difficult. I mean I don't know if I will fall in love with a man. I was only ually curious with this one boy during high school. That is the extent of my ity. I am currently ually interested in men, But for women I have been attracted to and romance seeking my life. Is there a way I can break that social problem and find good in other men. I apologize for putting down my own gender. But its just what I believe.

Present two arguements for and two arguments against this proposition?

The difference in access to quality education that exists between white house holds and African American households in the Us is primarily a manifestation of the economic differences between the two racial groups.

Why are asians sometimes called "oriental"?

Oriental means literally, from the east, while Occidental means from the west. When european kingdoms ruled the world, europe was considered the center of the world, so everything to the east was called oriental, and to the west, occidental.

Why Wikipedia call Saint Paul an anti-Christ?

Because anyone can write on wikipedia. Anyone can log on and change most things on there. It's just to get quick basic info but I wouldn't look to wikipedia for facts.

What part of the stomatch produce hydrochloric acid and enzymes?

The hydrochloric acid(I think you mean gastric juices)and enzymes are produced on the stomach lining.

Looking for the title of a campy movie ---?

Confederate officer makes a deal with the devil - provide a virgin to mate with devil to make the antichrist and history is changed - the Confederates win. Switch to 20th century and a bunch of failures. A ghost busters like team of paranormal researchers investigate the hotel that the Confederate officer is based at interactv with all the ghosts of the officer's failures. What the heck is this movie called? Saw it on cable TV but not the whole thing.

I wear 9.5- 10 (womens) in shoes and i am buying online puma tennis shoes, what size should i buy them in?

i just found a really nice pair of tennis shoes and they are size 10 do you guys think they will fit my feet of size 9.5-10?

I feel like my family is being really ist toward me?

It is ist and I'm the same way you are. As we speak I'm wearing jeans and a black Nirvana shirt. I've never liked wearing revealing clothes. I never liked cooking until recently but my boyfriend and I share our chores, like I usually cook just because he doesn't know how and I don't want him to ruin it, but we clean the house together and do the laundry together and stuff like that. I think its bull that you're family is like that. Woman don't just have one role and purpose in life. Just ignore them and try to surround yourself with people who don't care.

Peach puma ecstasy pill?

My law and safety cl is doing a project on drugs, my drug was ecstasy, what exactly is in it? How do you feel when you take it etc, what did lab tests result in ? Thanks

Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Kelly Clarkson, Eminem Quotes?

i need really good quotes from like people from taylor swift, miley cyrus, kelly clarkson, eminem, demi lovato, never say never, people like that. can you help me?

I live in Houston Tx and I want to watch the colts vs. the patriots, not the Texans... what channel do I watch

I heard that since the Texans are playing at the same time that they are showing the Texans game and not the colts vs. the patriots. I think thats horrible considering I'd like to be able to watch a GOOD football game! Does anybody know if it will be showing on ESPN or any other channel? Please help!!!

Buster Posey for Manny Ramirez?

The only thing about Buster being hot right now is that since he's a rookie, he could break at any moment. On the other hand Manny is older and more experienced but with age comes more injury. It really depends on who you have playing outfield currently becuase since you already have Mauer, you could save Buster and trade him for another player that you need badly.

Should I go for a Ph.D. in microbiology or Clinical Laboratory Science?

Depending on what you ultimately want to do. The clinical laboratory science will help you gain the knowledge and skills to become certified to work in a clinical laboratory position, which are an area of need right now. Going into the Ph.D. program will lead to better money, but it is a research degree that typically leads to working in a research setting. I just left a Ph.D. program in microbiology because I wasn't as pionate about it as I am another field. With the clinical laboratory science degree, you don't lose much time, but with the Ph.D. program, be willing to put in about 6 years plus at least another 2 for a post-doc position before you can really start a career.

Great Gatsby 1979 movie version- similar to book?

I have a test on The Great Gatsby tomorrow, and to be honest... I only read 3 chapters of the actual book, and used Sparknotes for the rest of the book. So tonight the 1979 version of the film is going to be on, and from what I saw of it- it seems pretty similar to the book. So if I watch that, will I be good to go for the test? Thanks :)

Would some one give me a link to a wiring kit that would work for my system?

Two dual voice coil 4 ohm subs and a mono amp? this is the amp

How do I request city to repave street?

I have lived in my neightborhood for 11 years and the street has always been In pretty bad shape and all they do is patch it up but eventually it gets messed up again. This is in the los Angeles county in panorama city to be more specific which Is in the valley of san fernando. There is an elementary school just a block away on the same avenue and ihe street is just as bad but all surrounding streets are nicely paved. can some one please help. Sorry for typos I did his on phone.

Rap song i heard today can't figure out the name?

honestly I don't remember many of the words because some other **** was happening when I heard the song but I remember the refrain being one person and he says warrior 1 or two times in it and talks about a gangster something( for some reason I'm thinking its a synonym for a book)... not much to go on but any help would be great...

Is anthropogenic global warming indisputable?

I was watching National Geographic on Saturday and it was stated that AGW is indisputable. Is this true?

Sarah Palin's abuse of Power ?

The trooper was sanctioned for that. He was investigated and dealt with. It was over. He paid for what he did. But Palin couldn't drop it. She herself and her staff and even her husband pressured HIS BOSS into firing him. He didn't want to and he got fired for that. THAT was the abuse of power. The fact that she fired his boss because he didn't want to do what she wanted. This has nothing to do about Wooten. It's all about Palin and his boss!

Is the make Surfanic good for Snowboard Gear?

Haha funny to see this question asked, my cousin was asking me the exact same thing last month, i didn't have a clue if they were good or not, but she bought them because the price was very good and she came back from her trip... and went on a big shopping spree on their website so i can only ume that they are a good brand. Just because they are not as well known as some of the others, doesn't mean a thing. I'd buy them dude they look nice too!

What state tests do sophmores take?

Other than SAT, PSAT, and ACT... down here in Florida we take the FCAT... which is a state-wide test, and in New York they take Regents.

Marques Colston or Steve Johnson this weekend? Am I crazy for benching Colston for Johnson?

i don't think it's crazy. johnson has better numbers than colston and the bills throw it all over the field with the fitz at qb. i'm sure people would have told you not to play any bills receivers last week at the ravens. how did that turn out?

My black friend called me racist! Help me?

Ok so I was searching for something in my black friends cupboard and I tried to pull a book and to my horror nearly 15 empty FAIRNESS CREAMS fell down. I was like wtf. I started thinking how can anyone be so desperate to be white and started gigling. My black friend came in and saw me and called me RACIST and screamed IT IS OK FOR MOST BLACKS TO TRY AND BECOME WHITER and left. I mean I didn't even say anything?

What is something that expands and expands until it explodes? (Preferably negatively).?

I'm writing something for english and I need a simile of this, but I can't think of a good example. Help please! :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The primary function of making lactic acid or ethanol in process of fermentation is?

E) to regenerate NADox (NAD) - so that glycolysis can use the recycled NAD and continue to produce a net gain of 2 ATP per glucose.

Leg wants to move, yet i'm tired?

Anyone have any idea what this is? Anybody get it too? Just curious? Most of my friends don't have a clue what im on about.. Sometimes its when i'm just sat down or I'm in bed. My leg will just get this feeling that it independantly just needs/wants to move however my entire body, seemingly apart from my leg is tired.It wants to run or move around but im just too tired to move it. How can i be exhausted however my leg is full of energy and could run 10 miles all the sudden. You can't really just ignore it either. Like you can't really ignore an itch. It like a niggle and a not painfull ache just a kind of ache?? Hard to describe really? ...

Asking for some help with a trade for my fantasy football league?

You dont have the depth to give up a high end Wr and RB. There may not even be a difference between Rodgers vs Manning or Brady this year...why would you want to weaken two of your positions for what would be a slight or no upgrade at best over Rodgers?

All Americans please answer me. Is this racist?

This girl I work with is from czech republic and has been here for 8 years. She married a black man and has a biracial daughter and everything. Well she belittles people at work and tells them they are stupid and acts all rich because her fiance has a decent job. He doesnt make more than 60000 grand a year, but she is always telling us that our houses are to small and and cars are beat up! She just started doing this since she began dating this guy. The worse part is that she doesnt have a big house or a nice car. Now I have a new car and she says she needs to get one. Well when she belittles us at work she says "You americans cant take anything" or "you americans sugarcoat everything" Americans buy what they cannot afford" its just keeps going on about how us americans are so on and so on....Is it me or are those racist comments. She only says that after she makes someone cry because she is so rude! How do I deal with this at work? No one wants to be around her anymore...She even made our boss cry today by yelling at her and saying she makes us all unhappy! Which is not true, she is actually very nice and easy to talk to. Shouldnt they send her to a seminar or something about communicating effectively?

Help with my homework?

It's Hitler hiding in the Treaty of Versailles. They brought up the Treaty of Versailles to the rest of the Germans and said that it was unfair in order to start the second world war.

WANTED!!!!! Hello I am a Senior in High School and I love Video Games....Help!!?

Ok, I am currently a Senior in High School, I don't really see myself doing anything else than playing video games not making them. That's why I thought I wanted to be a game tester because I am fully capable of staying in a room playing the same level over and over and over again as long as the job is full time. However, I did more research online and found that this is not a job to live on. So I switched to Gaming Journalism, I am fully commited into going into this field, I love playing any game and yes i am a achivement anyway I have over logged 1000plus hours and I really want a job in Gameinformer or xbox magazine so the point of this question HELP DAMMIT HELP!!!!! i can start as an intern if you want

Serious trouble with my Yahoo! Messenger .. and Internet Explorer too... please help..?

Do an online scan with trend micro, panda anti virus or the anti virus of your choice. Tell all of your contacts not to click links sent from your account. You seem to have an IM worm. They use your buddy list to send emails or IM's with a link, when the victim clicks the links they are sent to a site where the worm is installed into their pc. You need to do the scan and repair as suggested asap!

Why my car is jumping ?

my car will ride fine but sometimes when i press the gas it will slow down, and hesitate to speed up again and it jerks a little bit, what could this be..i have a 1999 plymouth breeze if that helps .

What program can i use?

I use Visual Studio to do this. There is an express (free) version, but I'm not sure if it has the sdk for pda.

How to improve my running speed over a long distance.?

9:00 a mile is a slow race pace. so if you are looking into racing, just every week, pick your pace up. ou dont have to run hard 7 miles straight. just hard run a mile, slow jog 2 miles, hard run the next mile and so on

Is this a form of internet harment?

I wouldn't give it to them. It's none of your friend's beeswax. Tell the authorities. They can take care of it. And btw that would be considered child neglect/child abuse.

Is Rex Ryan and Mark Sanchez the best quarterback coach combination in NFL history?

I'll just go out on a limb here and say NO!!! this has got to be the craziest question I have ever heard. If you arre talking about him being a rookie well what about Harbaugh/Flacco this is the second year in the playoffs with him and last year they made it to the AFC Championship game. What about Bilichek and Brady. How about Favre and anyone? What about Manning and any coach? NFL History is a bold statement to say. Maybe for a rookie but that is farfetched too. He was an AVG QB and Rex Ryan is an AVG Coach. What about Joe Theisman. Montana and his coaches, Steve young and his coaches. I'm just saying look at history before you make a crazy statement like this.I think Elway and Shannahan are the best QB/Coach Combo.

Is there any math or physics teacher?

u better post your math & physics problems on yahoo answers, there will be many teachers around .. including me ... he he

Anybody tried to do private statistical consuliting?

Preferably for health sciences\pharma. Where do you find clients? If it's not your top commercial secret, of course. Thanks a lot.

Have you lost spirituality while going through premenopause or pre..?

you have the moments.....but try your BEST to please God do you can go to heaven.....When I die I will be looking up there for you and hug you in and friendly and say I am so glad you made it into heaven!

If there was a spaceship traveling in an orbit around the sun at near light speed.?

And this spaceship was sending back a video feed from within the ship of the crew, would the video feed be in slow motion for us?

Is anyone else bummed that bronco's are no longer Undefeated?

Not particularly even though I was a season ticket holder when I lived in colorado full time. It's nice to see them doing so well this year so far - an undefeated season isn't likely for the best of teams and the expectations for the Broncos were far below their actual output so far. It would be disappointing if they have another total collapes at the end of the season, but so far, so good.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Statistic problems help me please?

if a person rolls doubles when he tosses two dice, he wins 5 dollars. If the game is to be fair , how much should the person pay to play the game?( show works please, thanks a lot)

Dreams about alligators?

Things most people find scary you dont find scary. Maybe it means your ambitious and ready to take on your goals. Even if it seems impossible.

Who is general hooper of revolutionary war?

Hooper was ociated with General Francis Marion. Did Hooper adopt a war ophan named James Abbott/Abbit? When was Hooper born/die? What battles? Where did he live?

We have an electorate that doesn't always pay that much attention to what's going on so people are influenced?

by a simple slogan rather than the facts or the truth or what's happening." John Kerry. Is he right and does that explain the election of Obama?

How long does it take a cat to have all of her kittens?

leave her alone and she will have the rest. do not touch them. have her plenty of water and privacy for a while.

Many questions about tracking the white tail.?

Ok first of all, thanks to everyone that has helped me so much thus far. second of all. would deer prefer to drink at a three mile wide lake or a c that is twenty feel across or some sort of smaller body of water rather than a large body of water or does it not matter to them? third of all, Keeping in mind that after waking up and pooping and urinating deer will most likely go to the water and then eat, do the bucks set up their bedding farther or closer to the water than the dows? fourth of all, I know that bucks are solitary and they do not make their bed next to each other but do dows bed together in groups or do they also bed seperate? a few years back my brother and I were on a nature trail and we saw four or five dows laying on the ground together. Was this their bedding area or were they just socializing?It was in a very bushy area. fifth of all, I know that many times when there is a deer trail that has a lot of traffic the older wiser bucks know that it is dangerous to travel that trail so they will have their own trail parallel to the main trail about forty yards away. now my question is about their trail. If there is one big wise buck using that trail for himself will it end at his bedding area or will his bedding area trail branch off in the middle of his main trail? obviously if their are two or more big bucks using the smaller trail then there will be two or more branch off trails to each of their beds. I hope everyone can understand that question. do dows and buck have different eating ares or do they eat in the same area? do deer normally mate on or off their trails? do the big wise buck that are nocturnal come out durring the day when they are in rut. I know these are a lot of questions but I would really appreciate if you could answer them. thank you all.

About my friend !! 10 points?

she's a girl , 18 years old , sooooo attached to a guy ( not really good for her ) but he always makes her fall in love all over again by his words and sweet smile .... she has known him since 2006 .. they dated for 6 months ( i believe she was feeling soooooo happy for havin' him ) but when he makes mistakes and she tries to blame him , he always run awaaay so they were just drifted apart ... and one day she did somthin' really embaressin' to him infront of his friends but coz of she loves him so much she apologized about it ( she did that embaressein' thing coz she thought he was talkin' bad abut her ) now he wants her back , u think she should agree ?? by the way he always talks to her even if thy couldn't talk for a while , he always tells her she's close to his heart and tells her she's cute .. etc ... so what do u think ? i really wanna help her .. well the guy is not that bad but also he's not that good & he always run away from serious conversations .... HELP!!!!!!

Can someone please help me? I'm desperate.?

Yes, you should take a pregnancy test. The EPT advertises that it can tell before your missed period. (I think any brand will do.) With both of my pregnancies I cramped like my period was trying to start but it just didn't come, I tested with a Dollar Tree test for my second baby and it was right on point. I was only 4 weeks pregnant too! My didn't start to hurt until later but everyone is different. If you don't start your cycle on time then I would definitely get a pregnancy test! Good luck!

BEWARE: Myspace games are loaded with the nasties!?

Kinda like beating your head upside the wall around here huh! 95% when they come here it is already to late and I'v noticed this and have not been around but for about 3 weeks. Want to thank you all. I took your advise!!!

If you were approached by 2 or more partners of an organized crime syndicate?

one being law enforcement, and offered various goods valued at or in excess of $300,000.00 do you believe they would be able to cover it up through the Judicial system?

Please answer, easy points.. i really need them :( thanks?

It sounds like it was a joke that went too far. I don't know what the heck he was doing. Just pretend like it never happened. Its not a big deal.

How do colleges scale the ACT to an SAT score scale?

I think UCLA NYU and Georgetown would be stretches. The rest would be attainable. If you improve your scores you could get into the other three schools too.

Gail Kim is over rated. Honestly... [Here Comes The Hate]?

I don't think she's overrated or underrated. She's a good wrestler. But, to be honest, she really doesn't have a personality. Yeah, it takes that too to make it in the WWE. Take the Rock for example. Decent wrestler, great personality. Yet you rarely hear people talk down about him. Why? Because his PERSONALITY won the fans over. Sorry Gail Kim fans, she's boring.

Considering the uncertainty of our economy and the future of our country, should there be a Department of?

Insecurity? What color would the warning phase be today? Burnt orange or scarlet red? Should we duct tape our homes in case unemployment rises and the stock market keeps falling?

Why do most U.S. Citizens believe that American is exclusive to them?

In common parlance, America is a country. There is no American continent. There is a North American continent and a South American Continent. A person from Canada is a North American. A person from Peru is a South American. If you can't understand this, then you might as well tell people in South Africa that they can't call themselves South Africans because there are other countries in Africa.

Who sang " Connected"?

I have a vague recollection of the lyric "connected to you," and the voice that goes with that fleeting image is Olivia Newton John. I would consider a penny bet on my answer to be reckless speculation.

I need jaw surgery but have no health insurance.?

insurance companies dont generally cover pre existing conditions. you can travel to india to get surgery done cheaply.

What do you think of these (pretty!) girls' names?

I don't like them. They're a bit too old fashioned for me. If I had to go with one it would be Marion Elizabeth.

What could you learn from doentaries, like the Discovery or History channels?

Unfortunately, both of these channels, in their anxiety for ratings, now carry so much junk that they are totally unreliable as a source of scientific information. You can learn much more from a well written book or from web sites like Wikipedia, that i wouldn't waste my time on television. If you must get your science from television, stick to the reliable sources, like PBS and BBC.

Leeds Party In The Park?

What songs will be played,, it only tells you the line up on the website, not the songs they will play. Thanks :)

Which beginning do you prefer?

i like your writing :) you seem to be good at writing in both points of view, but i find that its eisier for me to write in first person because then i feel like i (and the reader) get to know the main character better. and sometimes if it's in third person, the main character starts to annoy me. so first-person i think, but just my opinion :)

Can someone translate this spanish into english please?

hola corinne como as estado disculpame por no berte escrito en esta semana es porque estube una semana enfermo y con mucha fiebre aserca de las fotos estoy trabajando en lo de las fotos corinne obserbe tus dos fotos y estas muy linda te ama y tequiere con mucho carino warner

Anyone want the truth.?

beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power. in whom also ye are circised with the circision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circision of Christ. Buried with him in baptism, wherin also ye are risen with him through faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead. And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespes. colossians 2. 8-13

What size are the rims on a 98 BMW 318i?

I've been told they are 16". But I was then told, since I use 205/60/15 tires that my rims are 15". I need to know since two of my rims are bent and need to be replaced. Would a 93/94 BMW 325 have the same rim that could be used on my vehicle? And finally, is it possible to use a torch and hammer the dents in the rim back into place, or is that not possible because of the aluminum alloy build? Thanks in advance.

My Neon Tetra?

it depends, if there tummies are big just around the tummie area, proboly preganant. but if there whole area gets bigger, then they proboly ate them

What score on the PSAT gets me scholarship money?

It varies every year, and it varies some from state to state, but generally it's going to be around 220. But that just qualifies you for consideration for the scholarship. Very few of those that make the cutoff score actually receive money.

What is the royal philharmonic orchetra member's income?

The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra had been performed with many famous groups like Yanni, Oasis, Queen, Pink Floyd, U2. how much did they get paid yearly/monthly/per stage performance?

What is the moral of the story?

My guess is that the hotel manager is wise in that he recognized the young mans folly of an affair. Cheaters never win and winners never cheat. I must sat though, that red and white stripes made me a little dizzy and my powers of deduction have been striped. Ha Ha!....Ha.

Who was the worst president ever?

Just for reference, out in the real world 36% of American think Bush was a terrible president while 25% think the same of Nixon and 14% think the same of Carter.

What do you think of this Thomas Jefferson quote?

"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty.... And what country can preserve its liberties, if it's rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."

What's the height above water for this projectile motion?

On a hot summer day a young girl swings on a rope above the local swimming hole. When she lets go of the rope her initial velocity is 2.65 m/s at an angle of 35.0� above the horizontal. If she is in flight for 1.10 s, how high above the water was she when she let go of the rope?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

In new york state if I was to die and carried unsecured credit card debt would my wife be responsible to pay?

my father has about 40,000 in unsecured credit card debt, the cards are in his name only with no co-signer. he has terminal stomach cancer and is now going to hospice care, he is very worried about this debt. in new york state when he pes away is my mother going to be responsible to pay these cards off? she is on a fixed income with not much ets or resources?? any help would be greatly appreciated

Shaub or Palmer for week 8?

shaub is the best qb on the road for the last 3 seasons but plays Indy. Palmer has a fair matchup against Miami and had a monster game last week. I'm leaning toward Palmer but I'm kind of torn between them

Its awfully quiet in here? BQ inside?

dont be an idiot....there is already 3 other questions before this and who the heck r u to talk about smack talking backfiring....dont u remember last season america was doing bad and all u dumb chivistas were talking crap....look wat happend to "mexico's best team" this season.....

Why do labels on poisonous materials direct you to not induce vomiting if ingested?

this seems a little backwards to me. why wouldnt you want to get that stuff out of your stomach so that more of this material isnt absorbed into your system?

Do your children grow up to be able to weild weapons and things in Fable II?

Pretty straightforward question. Just playing Fable II, kids dont seem to want to get much older than 6 or so..

In her poem, “In Reference to Her Children,” Anne Bradstreet compares her children to birds.?

OK. I can help you. If you have texting, there is a free thing that answers your questions. It is called cha-cha. Text 242242 and your question and you will get an immediate response and it is accurate!!

Please help accutane?

Well iv been on Accutane for id say about 3 weeks, and the past 2 weeks iv been realizing when i go to the bathroom to do number 2 its been hurting really bad and when i wipe theres a little bit of blood but its more like watery blood and its very very little? i know accutane causes Crohns disease, should i stop taking it bc its not worth harming myself? Help please, i have no stomach pain or anything and its not bloody stools they are normal in color just very painfull?

Science Project help! (Pendulum Problem)?

You may need to run this more than twice. Do the same length as you have & the same two weights, but do each 5-10 times. You also need to show that the same weights on a different length. You should end up with 4 parts of data (8oz length 1 & 2), (16oz length 1 &2), (8oz & 16oz length 1) and (8oz & 16oz length 2). You should calculate the average, also how about just dropping the rope w/o any weight? Any number of errors can happen in a 45min-1hr period. If not sometimes being able to show that the common theory isn't supported by actual testing is always interseting.

Are wheat germ and wheat bran the same? how do they differ nutritionally?

No. Wheat has three parts- the endosperm, the germ, and the bran. The bran has fiber, B vitamins, and trace minerals. The germ has antioxidants, vitamin E, and B vitamins. The endosperm pretty much has nothing except carbohydrates and a little protein, yet the endosperm is the part that they use in most of our foods, while they leave out the germ and the bran! Shame. Whole wheat has all 3 parts, and that's why it's so good for you.

Is the Da Vinci Code Fact or Fiction?

Im christian but im very open minded when it comes to other ideas! Why were so many churches so mad about this movie? It makes me think there could be some truth behind it! Can some one please explain to me??

Who will win the 2011 NBA Finals between the Dallas Mavericks and the Miami Heat?

Who will win this series in how many games? Who will have the edge? And which player do you think deserves a title, LeBron James or Dirk Nowitzki?

Should I get a ferret?

A ferret is just like a cat...they have personality, use a litter box they play (I had one that played and rolled around with my cats). They do snuggle. I would find a reputable breeder to get one that is socialized and handled frequently, as some aren't as friendly as others. Other than that, they are awesome!

I think my friend might like me (sort of long, sorry).?

sheesh. i think its definitely possible that she likes you, but the only way to find out is to ask her.

Are the Iraqi "insurgents" just citizens of iraq that strongly oppose the U.S. invasion of their country?

I mean lets put ourselves in their see tanks rolling in your neighborhood, crushing everything around you, troops kicking in doors like a DEA agent, terrorizing everyone in sight, wouldn't you take up arms like a good ol' boy?

What is Joy Behar's religion or religious affiliation?

She has criticized and ridiculed Catholicism. My husband is convinced she is jewish but I had thought she was raised Catholic (although apparently doesn't practice that religion).

How do I test a gas line to the fire place?

$130 is a lot cheaper than a 3rd degree burn. The water and soap trick only checks the valve. You need the entire line checked for pressure. I'm surprised the gas company didn't red flag your meter when you declined the test.

Is this silly notion of Favre leading the Vikes, preventing talks with Winfield?

Anyone else rather see the Vikes turn their attention to Antoine Winfield and an extension instead of Dealing with Favre?

Overcoming anxiety/panic - looking for advice?

Yes, have had a similar experience overcoming a phobia. CBT and also a more general acceptance of the problem and it started to evaporate. For a while I always worried it would come back, then read some really good stuff on trying to stimulate a panic attack, kind of like 'bring it on' because then you can practice the techniques to deal with it. Once you are thinking like that it really is vanquished. Well done you, nice to read this post!

Will the Green Bay packers go to the super bowl?

I think the Packers and Steelers will make it and I'd like to see the Packers win, but think the Steelers are more likely. At this point, no combination of the 4 remaining teams would surprise me though.

How To Fix Any Type OF Windows Explorer Problems?

Boot from the Vista disk again. Chose to install Windows on the first screen. Choose repair on the SECOND screen with the repair option. (It'll look as if you're reinstalling Windows, but all it will do is repair your Windows files.) If that doesn't fix it, you have other problems.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Christians who do not realize the fact of Trinity and separate identities of God and Jesus, please read this..?

Do you realize that the parts that make an egg are distinct but it is these parts when combined makes a whole egg. The egg is made of shell ,yolk and embryo. But if you leave even one part alone you cannot call it an egg. You need the combination of all three in order to distinguish it as an egg. Similarly the lord almighty our heavenly father , lord jesus and the holy spirit are the combined power and there fore rightly called the trinity lord. They work differently have distinct purposes but if you Challenge on even one of them not being the supreme godhead then you question the existence of the God itself. Thank you

How can i let it out?

i miss my x but we broke up becuase i cant go a month without her touching my face or kissing her she lives like 10 blocks from me but shes never home and always out with her friends she has way to much stuff on her hands and had no time for me if i kept the relationship id be depressed and sad so i let it go but i cant go without her im trying to go to her school more and see her at the ice rink shes a figure skater and id always go to watch her skate id skate with her but i have a HUGE fear of blades so how can i show her i still love her i do alot but i dont think she believes me so i need help to prove it to her and win her back shes my first love and i will do anything for her please help me so i wnt have to live with this heartache and regret

Broadview security question about wireless monitoring?

I have a brinks system with 1 year left on contract. I canceled my home phone line and brinks wants to charge me an extra $10 a month for wireless plus buy the $250 device. Does anyone know what the device is called how I could install it my self or give me any other idea of what to do? Anything will be appreciated.

Help with a serious question?

ok, i had pj pants on, and i was hard, and she put it in her mouth, through my pants, like my pants were on and he put it in her mouth, is there anything to worry about, like any stds, because it wasnt direct contact?

Is it easier to gain citizenship in Australia or in Europe & which one has the lowest cost of living?

I think that its easier in europe because if i gain brit citizenship i can live in several brit nations such as scotland, ireland, and so on with no problem whereas 4 aus i gain only citizenship to them but im not sure 4 new zealand. The cost of living im not sure of because i have to convert the brits pounds to american dollars. please help me.

For Christians, is it proper to do make ups? Or adopt worldly fashions?

Yes we shouldnt follow the world in terms of things that are against God. I dont believe using Jewelry or makeup is against God, but obsession of them and placing them above Him is. Likewise, many other worldly things such as pagan worship, pre-marital , etc, are definitely not proper.

If a pop tart and a toaster strudel got into a knife fight, which one would win?

I am indebted to my fellow traveler Tiamet for the inspiration for this question and to someone whose answers i find interesting for the inspiration as to where to ask it.

Who is the best wide receiver in the NFL?

I agree with your list except I would put DeSean ahead of Reggie Wayne (Even though it hurts me saying that because I hate DeSean Jackson). Go Cowboys!

College Undergrad Loans without co-signer?

my credit is not all's just being established, is there anyway i can get a loan to pay for my education?

Adopting with in the family?

you could say something like your daughter is his real mommy and she thought that you were such a good and nice mommy she wanted you (nana) be his mommy too

Who has the power to impeach?

Does the bill of rights or one of the branches(executive,legislative,judicial) have the power to impeach???

Open vote!?

yes, i would rather use renewable energy sources, rather than burning fossil fuels and creating pollution. and its cheaper :D

Duke Blue Devils Apparel?

I was in the store Champs Sports this weekend and saw an amazing Duke Blue Devils shirt. They didn't have my size so I was going to look for it on the internet but can't find it. It's black with the duke mascot on the shirt in four different places and a different backround behind each of the logos. The backrounds are colorful and have zebra print, cheetah print, etc. Can anyone find me this shirt?

Are these kinds of beddings/materials okay for rats?

newspaper has ink and chemicals and rats will most definately eat it so dont use newspaper with out ink

Am I being too harsh on my mother?

Do not let her discourage you or hold you back. Engineering is a fine place for women. Where I work there are a handful of them and they do a great job. Professions and jobs these days are not gender specific and you can be anything you want to be.

The average human body contains...?

The average human body contains 6.20L of blood with a concentration of Fe2+ 2.70×10−5 M. If a person ingests 10.0ml of 14.0 mM of NaCN , what percentage of iron(II) in the blood would be sequestered by the cyanide ion?

If you have Ares as a patron, can you still be deemed "Wiccan" or would you have to be Pagan?

Of course you can. Don't listen to the fluffies, they generally have no grasp on the "dark" or other unsavory aspects of the divine. Ares has never been one of the Gods I have felt pulled to, but if he works for you then more power to you. I also tend to work with more "dark" deities, so do many others, so you're not alone.

What is an acceptable value for small engine cylinder leak down test?

Generac GT990 twin cylinder, 992cc, propane. Leak down test results were 16% on one cylinder and 20% on the other. Is this acceptable or an indication of problems.

Are you on the brink of foreclosure?

I just found out that my next door neighbor is foreclosing and they have to move out in a few weeks. It's very sad since they have three small children. I was just wondering if anyone here was experiencing a similar situation.

Hellp plee, history question?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Who think that people should not compare Chace Crawford to Zac Efron?!?

i think so! chace crawford is one good-looking, hella y, hot young man while zac efron is just okay, sumtimes hot, make-up-filled gay dude. fine they have blue eyes and somewhat same hair but chace is wayyyy better! who else agrees? :)

If the galaxies in the universe are constantly accelerating away from each other...?

Dark energy is not kinetic energy. If the speed of each galaxy is increasing, unless something else that has m is slowing down, then kinetic energy is not conserved.

What are some things i should do before running a mile so i wont be out of breath rite away?

The First thing you should always do is stretch, first you want to sit down a stretch your legs by having them out in front of you and trying to touch your toes with the tip of your fingers for 15 secs each, "trust me this works" then stand up, and do the same thing while bending down. make sure you stretch your most vital muscles, like legs, and your stomach which keeps you from getting cramps, and dont drink to much water. Stamina which keeps you from getting tired will build the more times you run. I've been doing physical activity like running for a very long time. I hope this will help. If I can help call me any more you can contact me at

What do you think of this scene?

I'd just sit there and watch, more than likely laugh about it. Doing that is like asking for trouble, after you left that guy probably got his @$% beat. Now let me ask you, how would you feel about a devil worshiper coming to your church and preaching? Some of your fellow christians would become angry and possibly violent. Every body has the right to believe whatever kind of crap they want, even you. It's disrespectful to try to always tell people they're wrong when you have no proof.

Curiousity about Drugs?

Just remember its not what you do, its how you do it. I will tell you 1 thing, look at all the people you know who do drugs and who you have seen doing drugs. How do you think they got started? Do you think they wanted to be addicts? Everything that shines is not gold. Find another high. (god, life, love, sports, etc.). The devil don't appear to people angry, he always smiling, but don't forget he is the devil.

Help with english! hurry!!?

Good grief! You could have looked these up in the time it took to type them in. Asking for help is one thing, wanting someone to do it for you is quite another thing.

Okay, so I started to to. How do I start? Two needles do what?

a href="" rel="nofollow" is the best site for learning to knit. They have tons of videos that will teach you everything from the basics to advanced techniques, and it's all free.

Could i be Pregnant, or maybe its side effects?

I have been off my birth control for 2 months now. My Last period started on June 29, and Im on a 28 day cycle, so my period is due next week. End of last week and all this week my have been so sore, but today they are not very sore just sensitive, I have been way tired, congested with a stuffy nose, and always feeling hot. Headaches have been bad. I also keep getting a little bit of heartburn and when i burp its like acidy stuff comes up ( sorry if TMI). I just feel like i might be pregnant, Idk does this sound like early symptoms?

I am throwing a 50th bday party for my mom but I don't know where to throw it.?

I've been looking at hotel banquet rooms but I want to bring in my own food and alcohol. Does anyone know of spaces to rent where you can bring your own food and alcohol because all the places I have seen have had to be catered by them and will not allow you to bring in alcohol. And all the restaurants are so expensive. And I am looking for anything in the tri-valley area of California, like Pleasanton, Dublin and Livermore.

How do I get my Itunes library back?

Hi there, I have been having mucho problems with Itunes and instead of removing and reinstalling (frightened to do that in case I lost my songs!) I clicked the Repair on in Add/Remove programs. Now when I open up Itunes it is empty - my library, playlists everything has gone!! I tried doing a System Restore to an earlier date but is still the same. Can anyone help please? Thanks!

Can someone please help me with my 3d graphics?! Quick!?

You need at least a 128 MB video card for Aero, but even thats a small amount.64 mb? Get into the 21st century, man.

Believers, can you still not make up for your sins?

Sorry, but my God looks for sincerity from us. But if it would only be a matter of adding up an account that a person knowing that they could continue living in sin as long as they do a lot of good things; we would most miserably be in chaos. As for my God, He is a God of justice, therefore shall He reward the consequence to those living is willful, deliberate sin. The concept of people being allowed to sin as long as they do lots of good things is secular principles and practices, not heavenly.

CHRISTIANS - whats your opinion? Qur'an vs Bible?

I suggest you believe what you want about either book as it is others trying to impose their view about pages in either one that causes a lot(but not all off) the suffering in the world.

How to trace a family member and you only know there name and county..tried, electoral roll,read on..?

Find out the local newspaper and put an advert in there giving details of her name age etc, I often see this type of thing in the letters page. There is a company in the UK called trace smart which you can find if you google it but they need payment.

Do Many Races Who Convert To Islam, Do So Out Of A Racial Inferiority Complex?

A person who cannot be loyal to the community which he is born into by birth cannot be loyal and committed to anybody. All religions only teach good things so why change.

Friday, August 12, 2011

What did the Chinese do to piss off god???

The LORD is a jealous God, filled with vengeance and wrath. He takes revenge on all who oppose him and furiously destroys his enemies! The LORD is slow to get angry, but his power is great, and he never lets the guilty go unpunished. He displays his power in the whirlwind and the storm. The billowing clouds are the dust beneath his feet. At his command the oceans and rivers dry up, the lush pastures of Bashan and Carmel fade, and the green forests of Lebanon wilt. In his presence the mountains quake, and the hills melt away; the earth trembles, and its people are destroyed. Who can stand before his fierce anger? Who can survive his burning fury? His rage blazes forth like fire, and the mountains crumble to dust in his presence. The LORD is good. When trouble comes, he is a strong refuge. And he knows everyone who trusts in him. But he sweeps away his enemies in an overwhelming flood. He pursues his foes into the darkness of night. (Nahum 1:2-8 NLT)

What is your culture?

My culture is Mexican, Filipino, and Chinese. I was born in Mexico so I relate to it the most, my father is Chinese and Filipino so I know some things about the 2 cultures. But I do Mexican stuff, southern and northen Mexican. I'm also recently looking into culture from the Alps as well as Arctic culture from Alaska, Canda, and such it's nice up there.

The laptop case I want uses alpaca fleece. I'm a vegetarian, should I buy it?

If you are comfortable knowing that an alpaca was tortured and murdered so that you could have a cool looking laptop case, then by all means feel free!

Explain my friend me?

the lady probably just want some company or is trying to eb a friend!! Well some people can get nervous around others or fond it hard to express their true feelings, so with some friends they can and they fell that they can understand them.. if your curious .. just ask her what she meant by the quotation and the messages!!

Unemployment goes from 4.6 to almost 10% under Obama, why doe he think that's proving a recovery?

Well the summer of recovery has ped. It is expected that the new unemployment figure due out will be above 10%. Time for another stimulus. Can you imagine a world where black is white, good is bad, right is wrong, recovery is deterioration? Look around. Look at the White House.

Why did Riff Raff kill colombia in Rocky horror?

I have seen The rocky horror picture show more times than I can remember and can never figure out why Colombia had to get bumped off. This has been bugging me since the first time I seen the movie.

Why are Intellectuals ociated with Liberals? Is it because Intellectuals actually use their intellect?

Thinking is discouraged among the conservatives. They see science as a bad thing. It's about belief and facts get in the way.

Can You Accept LOVE without Dollers/Money?

My Dear, Poor Girls love rich males for the making her dreams into reality, likewise poor males always think about the daughters of a man of multimillion's. I love a mind who may be too much poorest by economically but what I get that all the Hero or the hero inns sacrifices life's due to economical status but not for the values. Some famous writers have show the way to reach into Big be selfish. so, when I am black I want an white Girl, and when I am black women then I need one more and more white male, is it mankind?

Does anyone know any songs similar to.. ?

Do anyone know any songs similar to the song low - flo rida ? Or any dance songs with a big beat to it? Thanks :)

Are PedFed (pentagon) Autoloans any good?

I am in the process of buying a new car. Everyone keeps telling me that Ped Fed autoloans are the best...yet I'm not in the millitary. Are they any good and if so...why?

What is this song called?

I think it's "i want you to want me" tell me if this is how it goes.. "i want you to wantme, i need you to need me, i'd love you to love me, i'm begging you to beg me.. oooh shine up my old brown shoes..." several bands have redone it including KSM and 78VIOLET (aly and aj...)

Anyone know where I can watch The Fun Friends Club SNL skit?

it was the one with rachel dratch and they were like in a barney type show and she was more developed than the other kids XD

Book suggestions - pleeeease answer?

Well congratulations for having wonderful taste in books and reading above you're ages average reading level! I would recommend A Wrinkle in TIme, The Giver, The Little House Series (Laura Ingalls Wilder),and So Be. It. Keep it up!

How to find a lost hamster?

My stupid fat cousin broke the skyskr door opener then when I came from school I found that num num wasn't in their I go scared I got hoplessly confussed I can't take it I told my cousin to buy me a new hamster He freaking Owes me!! I'm to dizzy I feel like ima faint trying to find my baby I love him I can't replace him hes special to me can someone help me!! Try to find my hamster any tricks I don't have peanut er

How come Jesus and Satan share the same nick name "BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR" in the bible ? hmmmm?

either your translations are wrong or you just changed it to suit your purpose,either chances are you don't care foir truth anyway you just trying to justify your belief.anyway more accurate translation is...12 “O how you have fallen from heaven, you shining one, son of the dawn! How you have been cut down to the earth, you who were disabling the nations! 13 As for you, you have said in your heart, ‘To the heavens I shall go up. Above the stars of God I shall lift up my throne, and I shall sit down upon the mountain of meeting, in the remotest parts of the north. 14 I shall go up above the high places of the clouds; I shall make myself resemble the Most High.’ ....besides the fact is satan was once lucifer who was the cherub guarding the tree of knowledge of most beloved of the creator and a once most beautiful of spirits explained to us via metaphors such a gold n' jewels adorning him...obviously a spirit world beyond our comprehension but anyway he lost his place as u read and became satan the most despised of spirits....but not even lucifer was ever reffed to in same words as the archangel micheal...oops sorry,jesus.

Does my dad know that I didn't mean to make him feel uncomfortable?

Yesterday was movie night, so dad and I watched a scary movie yesterday. We sat on the couch, and I just laid back and snuggled with dad. Everything seamed great and I didn't think anything of it. But then my dad's girlfriend picked me up from school today and said we needed to talk. She told me im too old to be snuggling with my dad (im 14). I told her that I didn't know he felt uncomfortable and that it wont happen again. I understand were they are coming from. But I never meant to make anyone uncomfortable, its just that I used to do that lot a few years ago. I just didn't think anyone would mind. Its just that, I look my age but im really immature sometimes. My dad didn't bring it up or anything. But now I cant go to sleep because I dint know if my dad knows that I didn't think it through. My dad knows I didn't mean to make it awkward right?

I've some 10 clips of movies and want to join them to make a complete movie. how do i do it.?

any freeware sofwares available to do them. they r in .flv formats and should i convert them to .mp4 formats for better quality of picture, will it help. pls let me know.

Rate my fantasy team.?

That looks like a good team. You got good power, average, and some speed guys. The pitching looks very good, with the potential of being awesome. I rate it about 8 out of 10. I don't like the Pujols trade, because I see him having a good year. Hafner is like 80% of Pujols, and Wigginton, other than being versatile, doesn't really do it for me. Plus, wouldn't you need to drop someone if you made that trade (probably Wood I'm guessing)? You may be thinking about getting a backup at 3rd, but Zimmerman could play just about every game this year.

Where can I find online images of Illuminated Mcripts?

I need an online image of an elaborate, colorful British mcript made before the year 1500. Can someone please tell me some websites where I can find this?

Question about richard ramirez (the night stalker)?

does anyone know why he hasn't been executed yet. As i understand it he was originally sentenced to death in 1989. His last appeal was in 2006 and was unsuccessful. It seems a bit ridiculous that he hasn't been executed yet. Or was his sentence reduced to life without parole? Can anyone enlighten me?

Im stuck on asins Creed for the XBOX 360?

Im stuck on memory block 4 and you have to interrogate all these ppl. Ive only interrogated one who knows where the rest are as im extremely lost in this game as it isnt exactly straightforward.

All of my foods are tasting strange!?

You need to make yourself some vegan sugar cookies, it seems like you forgot what they smell like. I can relate to the meat smelling rotten, because it is. Meat eaters just ignore It I guess.

The M4 an ecologic fuel from Panama, what�s your opinion?

Ethanol might be cleaner than gasoline, but don't you think that it is a little odd that as ethanol use becomes widespread, food prices seem to soar? A fuel that is 87% ethanol could have disastrous consequences for poorer countries. Hydrogen/ electric is the future.

Cruel or not?

I don't think he is cruel at all, as long as the animals were suffering, then he is a hero for ending that suffering. When I was in high school, we had a kitten that we had found one time that we took in who got very sick. We couldn't afford to go to the vet (single parent, two kids), so we took the best possible care of the kitten we could. The kitten kept getting worse and worse, and after about 2 weeks, she couldn't even stand up. I cupped her tiny little head in my hand and helped her stop breathing so she could stop suffering. I was literally bawling right after that, but my friend who was there with me helped me get through it. This is not something I'm proud of having done, but it was the right thing to do, given the cirstances.

Is this a good response to an e-mail sent by my boyfriend?

sounds good to me, maybe ask him what he thinks about everything and get his perspective on it all. like how they do things there ect....

Have ALL of the F-14's been scrapped?

Being one of the most formidable strike & strategic fighters in history. Also how much thats been invested into the program. There would be a couple squadrons in reserve on station in defense of the nations capitol. Even for nostalgia's sake, at least have a few examples for the Air & Space museum.

Clarinet notes for "because of who you are"?

Does anybody have the piano, or clarinet notes for the gospel song "Because of who you are" sung by vicki yohe/Martha Munizzi/judy jacobs

Who is the best republican candidate to face obama in 2012?

I like Mitt.. wish he'd stayed in the race.. It' would have been an easier vote for Republican for sure.. my opinion only,, no offense intended to those who disagree.. LOL I do like Michael Savage too, but am not an Libertarian just an Independent conservative.

1 877 214 0770, I wanna do it!?

If they are asking for you to give money upfront (Without getting an acting job) than they are a scam. An acting agency never ask for money before becoming your agent. They will look at your resume and headshot, see what you have to offer (you will most likely sing a song and perform a monologue in their office) and accept you if they are interested in representing you. Then you will sign a contract for them to become your agent. But NEVER should you pay for anything during this time. Never buy headshots from them or pay to audition. There are a lot of scams out there that are hoping to prey on those who want to be famous. It's a rough business. It sounds like this is just another scam, unfortunately. The only reason you should ever pay your agent is if they find you a job, you get paid for the position, and even then they only take so much out of your paycheck for their services. I recommend researching talent agencies in your area and see what the better business bureau says about their company, but also check to see what comes up when you type in the agencies on google. A lot of times fellow actors will give this talent agency a good or bad rating, and you can tell from the information if it is a scam.

Can you espalier a citrus tree?

Citrus is not well adapted for espaliers but yes you can. This is possible for almost any tree. Although not well suited, I would certainly try it if I needed to. If you can do figs, you should be able to do citrus. With citrus, there are dwarf varieties which do not take must space. Why not try them?

First grand baby.....Third baby shower??

My daughter is expecting in about one month. She has had two baby showers already-one from her mom-in-law and the second from her work. She has just about everything she needs for the baby. In fact she has two car seats, two strollers, two types of swings, crib, changing table, dresser, hugh ortment of clothes, lots of diapers, you name it-she has it! I have been planning a shower for her but I am stumped if I should do a diaper theme or somthing else. I am very excited for my first grandchild...her name will be Stevie...and very happy for my daughter that she has received so many items for the baby's layette. Please help give a new grandmom-to-be some good advice for a wonderful baby shower.

My friend might be having problems with me?

ok so i was in algebra and my friend takes my wrists and looks at them and asked me if i was emo?? and i said yes.... then she looks at me and says no your not your wrists arent cut i pulled my wrists away and i said calmly not all emos cut my other friend looks at me and says then your not emo i said why and she said your not emo because you dont cut your wrists i raised my voice and said not all frikin emos cut!!!!! then she shakes her head ind i swear i could hear her call me a poser!!! wat do i do my friends might be having problems with me being emo!! wat do i do!!

Should Cop killers automatically get the death penalty?

No, I don't think so. As a cop, I would rather see them get life in a maximum security prison without ever having the possibility of parole. Running a case through and getting the death sentence only means he's punished for 8-15 years before he dies. It depends on the state.I would rather leave this world knowing he'll remeber his actions for a L O N G time, say 65 years or so.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

You can't DISPROVE God!?

These people who find it a valid argument find it so because they only believe what they are told to believe in the first place and don't bother with logic anyways.

Why is B. Hussein Obama such a bigot?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Obama administration defies congressional subpoena on Fort Hood doents?

[The agencies said that divulging the material could jeopardize their prosecution of Army Maj. Nidal M. Hasan, the accused gunman.]

Need help w/ compare and contrast paper?

Have to write a compare & contrast paper for school. Comparing Edgar Allen Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Black Cat". I have 2 paragraphs so far but I need help...

What is the source and meaning of the phrase all that sail on him?

this is part of a toast offered to a new baby by a Brit in Woody Allen's film, Matchpoint. i'm guessing it's a british expression, originating in some piece of British poetry or fiction.

What do you think about this song?

uuummm I'm 12 and I can tell you that that kinda sounds more like a peom than a song. Songs are supposed to have some repatitive parts and when you split it up you have to split it up into more peices. It can't be so continuos. srry if you think I'm being sude but I'm not trying to be. really sorry if you think I am.

Game theory question ??

Suppose that the market demand function is Q=20-P and each of two duopolists have constant marginal costs. Firm1 has marginal cost of 10 and Firm2 has marginal cost of 6. If Firm2 is a Cournot-duopolist, how much will that firm produce ?

My husband and I are moving to Houston as he was offered a job in the energy corridor. What would be our best?

choices for a neighborhood to buy a house in? We do not have children but would like a safe neighborhood with lots to do (recreation trails etc.), spending $200k or less within 20 minutes of his job.

Someone give me a story title please?

srry but i nearly fell asleep just reading this tiny bit. Imagine what it would be like to read the whole thing. So boring. Srry, I'm just not into these sort of stuff. I like fantasies and things. Isn't Taylor a boy name? Anyway a good title would be Only Ana matters.

Is smoking slowly becoming illegal in the US?

In Bangor Maine if you are pulled over, smoking in your own vehicle with a child present you will be fined. Yes it is bad to do but as you said...whats next...if you got buying your obese child sugary foods or fast food will you then be fined? I do think it is disrespectful to smoke around non smokers however also. I do not like to eat and have smoke around me while I am eating. I also dont like to be in a vehicle full of smoke. I can understand this and I am a smoker. It should not be made illegal, if a woman has a choice to have an abortion because it is her body then smokers should have a choice to smoke or not because it is their body but I do not believe in putting others at risk.

Math & speed question?

a cyclist, riding steadily from his hometown, reached his destination in 4 1/2 hours. he would have taken 45 minutes less time if he had ridden his bicycle at a speed faster by 3 km/h. find the distance from his hometown to his destination. & also, tell me every step you did to get to the answer. thanks.

Period decreased after Depo?

I would go to a doctor and not ask in community, depo can shorten your period but I do not know about the whold hair loss.

When will be the tri-series between PAK IND BAN ? WHo Will WIN?

India and Pakistan will be in the final ,India's batting will be stronger and will lead to an Indian win ..but watch out for ......TANVIR!

Why is that Games lag on my PC even though I have high Specs?

its your external 9400gt that card is beyond horrible get a 8800gt or a 9800gt or better but yeah your video card is horrible otherwise the other specs are good

What do you think about this?

wow if u like her ask her it wont hurt it may hurt u for a wile but it will be ok life is about taking chances so make a move and try hope i helped

Whats your favorite movie of this year ? that you would recommend to me :)?

dont say ''the watchmen'' ''G I JOE'' ''transformers'' '' terminator'' ''howy potta'' OK JUST TELL ME THE MOVIES YOU LIKE FOR ALL THE TIMES

What's his deal?

First, he kept puttn off talking to me. I practically beggd. I know pathetic isn't it? So, i just got fed up and just basically wantd it to end so i text him and tell him that i want to talk to him now. he texts me back and tells me that if i cont. this behavior than he won't talk anymore. i text him back and tell him that he not talkn anyway so **** it. i don't care anymore and tell him what on my mind and tell him that i think everything was a game and that I hate him and can't take it anymore. he tells me the way i actn is creepy a i finally get backbone and tell him he the one who creepy for not understanding and tell him the reason for me actn this way cuz i fell in love w him and i can't take it no more and he calls me and than makes amends but in the end says if you cont to b emotional i will block u a i say u don't have to say this just tell me u don't want to talk to me and I will nevr contact u. ever. he backs down why did he back down like this? finally getn backbone

So, did Bret Michaels make the right pick, picking the 37 year old Ambre over the 25 year old Daisy?

Is it just me, or does Ambre have one of those disgusting turkey necks? She's a pretty lady, don't get me wrong, but that freacking nasty turkey neck she has is just gross. Daisy was a nasty tramp too, all those tats, I definitely don't see Ambre and Bret lasting. I am thinking there will be a Rock of Love Part 3 next Winter of 2009, you agree? One last time, 3's a charm.

Solution color in reactions?

sorry, YA is not the best place for questions like this. All I can say about this subject is ROYGBIV

I need help with some HORSE questions?

i need to know 3 types of hoof problems that can occur with improper care,and what can be done to prevent them

Affirmative Action Outdated?

Actually affirmative action is still needed to make minorities believe they cannot succeed without government intervention, where would we be if they realized they could succeed just like everyone else, that would be too confusing.

What is the reoccurring smell in the hotel room?

Me and my friends keep smelling this fart like smell in our hotel room, but none of us our farting. my friend thinks its a farting ghost, do ghosts fart?

Did i get fired from my job...?

i told my work where i just started that i couldnt work thrudays or fridays which they scheduled me on, and then they said will take you off the schedule then. does that meen im fired or theyll find different days?

Why haven't Man United, Arsenal, Liverpool and Chelsea been producing REGULAR England Internationals...?

a href=";_ylt=AvT8IofcxZEIjuVGpCLgZiAIDX1G;_ylv=3?qid=20110304144331AAep2q6";…/a

Explain the controversy surrounding WAL-MART and be prepared to give a detailed opinion abut WAL-MART ? ?

the problem is walmart moves into an area where eight ten even more rural communities start shopping there and the rural retailers who were scratching out existence have to close their doors and then walmart pulls out because they were greedy with starting a store where they did and in some 80 (eighty) cases walmart has devastated rural America where now people have to drive hundreds of miles to shop for items because walmart closed their doors following all the little stores closing. Walmart is bunk! just like what is causing the economic recession we are nightmarishly all involved in, over speculation and greed causing banks, and retailers to close their doors for lack of business following poor landmark lending decisions. Walmart is not going back to the rural communities they ruin and helping them either. they might as well be called strip miners....

Kyle Orton will take the Broncos to the Super Bowl?

I spoke with my crystal ball this morning and it ured me that this year Kyle Orton will take the Broncos to the Super Bowl- it was wrong last year about this. Should I start planning my trip to Dallas now?

I got a guy question. its a hard one. ?

.He knows you likehim and is being nasty.l'd forget him.He seems the controlling type.Certainly does'nt try to be nice. Or even halfway pleasant

Just got BFP yesterday. Last AF March 29. How far along am I?

Tested yesterday, May 8 and had last period March 29 so how far along am I? Doctor said too early to do ultrasound. When will the heartbeat be detected? Have also been cramping, was given duvadilan. Any experiences with this drug? Please help!

Am I needy or just being realistic?

ur being realastic so keep trying but dont waste ur life time on him give him chance if things dont change then dump him

Rate these girl names!! POINTS?

Kerry-Lee. The other ones, seriously, are retarded. The more unique you try to make your kid sound, the dumber the name sounds to other people.

Need some vacation tips to Oakbluffs (Martha's vineyard) Machusetts..?

Hi, Im very interested to visit the capecod region... and am thinking to take my family to the oakbluffs in MA for the weekend.. If you have visited this place or any place around the Martha's vineyard islands, pls share your travel experience with me.... we're planning to drive down and then take a ferry to the oakbluffs...but have no idea on the local transport there or the places to visit in and around the island...any tips particular to this vacation spot will be very helpful....thank you

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Can you offer a little help on a couple poems or just let me know what you think of them?

I really enjoyed the last 2. specifically the last one, about the other girl. I tend to like poems i can relate to and i have been in that situation where ive seen an ex with her new love and you have captured the feeling perfect!

Can my locked up solider get mail?

My boy-friend is currently in Camp Arifjan Kuwait. He is currently in jail over there waiting trial. Will he get the letters I have been writing him, and can he write me back?

What can me and my X do during our plan to "chill"...?

Go to his house and watch a movie. then sit real close to him and see what happens.I really mean, start making out!

Is it me or are paedohililar cases increasing?

Seems like reports of paedohiles are on the increase, especially in the UK. Is this likewise where you live.

Did Jesus really exist?

Currently, the majority of historians tend to think he probably existed, (but wasn't god). However, there are a growing number of historians that are saying that he may not of existed. There is a good argument to be made that he was actually originally a character made up by Gnostics to use in their teachings.

Which one: Ford Floyd or Bess?

I would start Bess. He's been hot lately, and I don't see anything changing against a mediocre Cleveland team. Ford is definitely a close second though.

In the movie 300, what would be examples of functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic ineraction, or a mix?

Im writing a paper over Crime and Deviation for my sociology cl and need to write about the theoretical frameworks in the movie 300. I have no idea how to put these theories into the story of the movie. I have a basic idea of what they are, but not how to apply them. Thanks!

Where can i get my DELL LAPTOP refurbished ? I reside in Stoke Newington Hackney london !?

i live in stoke newignton hckney london and i need to know anywhere close to where i live can i get my DELL XPS M1530 refurbished for myself? i have no warranty or nothing on it, i just want it cleaned up very nicely, nothing internal i.e Hard Drive Ram, but the actual dirt and all that stuck in it - i have tried 200% to clean it up myself but it is just not possible, any ideas, thanks !

Which planet transits like Ur Pisces had you feel held back or "in waiting" for a period of time?

Sorry. I expected with Ur, and that was my biggest problem because Ur remains the planet of the unexpected. There were a few shaky steps here and there, but nothing at all like I expected. And that remains the issue: Perhaps if I hadn't expected, I would have been more shook up. It was a great transit over all--once I got through the boulders in the first 2 years. lol After that, a trip to Brazil, and a great personal sense of healing. I think I'll actually miss it. ;)

How to replace a 2000 honda civic front bumper cover?

Last night I took a chunk out of my step dad's front bumper cover on his '00 Honda Civic 4dr sedan and I'm going to replace it for him. I'm very low on money so I figure I can buy the cover myself and install it myself and save a lot of money instead of the body shop putting it on. Can anybody tell me what I should expect and what tools I'll probably need? I'm auto illiterate but I am good with tools so I should be alright to do it myself. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I'm stressing big time right now

Know any good bands/songs/singers?

Boys like Girls, Never Shout Never, Escape the Fate (Don't Just listen to the second album, listen to the first album too, it's way better and not alot of people know about it), Bring Me the Horizon, System of a Down, Disturbed, I am Ghost, Slipknot, 3OH!3, The Devil Wears Prada, Cute is What We Aim For, A Job For a Cowboy, A Skylit Drive. I could go on forever, so thats all I'm gonna put.

Can anyone recommend any good Mystery authors?

I'm starting to like Mystery novels, but I don't want to read anything lame like Sue Grafton of Nora Roberts. I really liike Dennis LeHane, and Jeffery Deaver's pretty good. Anybody know of any good authors along those lines? Thanks.

Should I use AGP or PCI as primary boot device?

my computer's BIOS settings has an option under Advanced---> Chipset Configuration that says primary boot device and it has 2 options: one of them is PCI/AGP and the other AGP/PCI. which one is recommended that i use??

What is the impact of a careless or a deliberate injustice meted to innocent / well meaning persons?

Sir, thats the way life goes on. Like Mr.Fred and Poondi sir, mentioned, since this being a public free forum cannot expect more, atleast a person can express his genuine or false ideology, the thing that may seem good and genuine to you may not be the same for another person. Atleast this forum has helped us to dicuss with so many good souls, sir.

Who really killed Tetsu's parents?

I mean ichimura tetsu from peacemaker. I got a little confused bec. at first I really thought that it was Yoshida but in the end when Tetsu asked him why did he kill his parents he just answered "what are you talking about?" I don't know if he only did that to confuse tetsu at the moment or was it really not him? When I read the manga I suddenly had the thought that it might be hijikata. I haven't finished the manga yet.

Can not get ims on my computer?

I need more details in order to be able to help you. Do you have Yahoo Messenger installed and if so what version? What operating sytem are you using (XP, Vista etc)? Or are you trying to get instant messages via the chat feature of Yahoo Mail? I will check back to see if you have additional details.

What steps should I take to protect my website idea?

I have an idea for a website but unfortunately I barely know basic HTML. I would like to hire someone to help produce this website but need to know the process to protect my idea. Not long ago I came up with a basic idea for a website and now it quite literally wants to explode from my head. The sheer impotence I feel about not knowing how or what to do is agonizing. What about a lawyer? What kind of lawyer? What about non-disclosure and non-compete? What about copyright/patent? As for copyright, how do I copyright this when it is still just an idea? I'm not doing anything new except for the function of the site, so I ume a patent is out of the question. How much will this cost me before I even hire someone, roughly? Is there a way to pay someone I hire, to work on the site, with "shares"? If so, would it a good idea to do that? What additional steps, if any, would I need to take if I were to hire my friend that lives in the UK, to do the primary work? I am thoroughly lost, so any enlightenment would be greatly appreciated. TYIA

Question about the US Judicial System...?

The "definitive evidence" is at times quite subjective. If the government were able to simply convict without a trial, who determines what evidence is "definite"? Where will we draw the line between an automatic conviction and a fair and just trial? The best thing to do in order to ensure that our justice system is fair and legitimate is to give everyone the same opportunity to plead their case in front of a jury. If the evidence is really as definite as it seems, the jury will convict.

Where's the love from the world? The world was supposed to LOVE us when 0bama took office... What happened?

The world as well as American citizens wanted change. They just didn't realize it would change for the worse rather then the better.

Fellow pot-smokers, has this ever happened to you?

Have you ever gone a month without smoking pot and been really proud of yourself? Like I'm so proud of myself right now bec I could p a drug test if I had to! It's been SO LONG since I could say that! Not that I'll be taking any drug tests anytime soon lol, but if I had to I could p it(a urine test, anyway). GOD I'm just so damn proud! It makes me not want to smoke again because I don't want to ruin my clean streak!

What do think of these indy wrestlers?

I could could right paragraphs telling you how good I think they are but I don't want to spend an hour typing

Is it unreasonable to request that my husband switch off his mobile at night?

I think my husband is addicted to his mobile; he thinks I'm unreasonable. He frequently gets work related calls at night - which I figure can't be avoided, but he also gets texts and calls from work mates pretty much every night. He then might spend half an hour or more talking to these people, whom he presumably sees all day anyway. These guys (most of them don't have families of their own) also occasionally send drunken texts and pictures at any hour of the night and because the phone is never off, the glow from a silenced text (or the beep of an unsilenced one) wakes me up. My husband sometimes sleeps with his phone and has been known to respond to these texts throughout the night (occasionally sneaking out to the toilet or kitchen to avoid detection). He also checks his phone incessantly. It's a real source of friction between us because his mobile phone intrudes upon our family life and I just can't seem to convince him that it's getting out of hand. Am I being unreasonable?

What are some distinct characteristics in Gandhi's speeches?

Every speech that Gandhi gave had an air of non-violence. He talked gently, he was never angry. He always talked for the defensive. He only hoped that non-violent protests would offend the Brits, who eventually took their guns and killed so many Indians before they gave up. I've listened to all his speeches. It was always about working together peacefully, solving problems by not wielding guns or causing pain for others in any way shape or form. He was such a great disciplined leader. No other like him.

NEED FASHION ADVICE: PIX OF ME INCLUDED! my guy went shopping 4 me & I have no IDEA what to wear with these!?

To me these are one of those things that look cute but not "on" I didn't like them on you. To me they look slutty. I am not saying you are but the outfit put together looks stripper like.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


1. started speaking to a boy on facebook. he and i would speak to eachother for like 4 hours everyday... but in school we wouldnt speak we would just stare at eachother for about 6 seconds and he would act nervous around me and blushing.. Then it got to the point were he asked me if i had ever had . or sucked someones before.. i thought "why woudl he ask me this?" whats the reason he asked me this out of the blue for?" about 2 weeks later i thought to mmyself well he dont like me even though he "shows all the signss and asked me if ive ever had n stufff.. so i might aswell stop speaking to him. before i waas speaking to him he was all happy his statuses n=on facebook were like "CHILLING IN THE SUN;)" OR.. "LOVIN TODAY ASUSUAL" but since i stoped speakingt o him there lke "Wish you new.." Bored.." "Badmood" So what do you think is going on? and also if u want "why did he ask if i ever had or sucked someones before? thankyou:)

Give me a good Thesis Statement please?

The point of a thesis statement is to detail the argument that is to follow. Depending on how long your paper is supposed to be, I would recommend organizing your paragraphs by the groups you will be discussing (men, women, minorities). Then, if a general thesis is acceptable, use something like, "Men, women, and minorities each helped to support the war effort in various, unique ways."

I need to figure out how to find the solution before tomorrow...?

The stoichiometry of the reaction tells you that you will get 1 mole of O2 (g) for every 3 moles of UO2Cl2 (g) that form. Since partial pressure is proportional to moles, you can just divide the equilibrium partial pressure of UO2Cl2 (g) by 3 to find the partial pressure of O2 (g) at equilibrium.

Is Will Ferrell actually gay?

actually neither Sacha Baron Cohen nor Will Ferrell are gay, Sacha Baron Cohen actually has a daughter with his finance'

What time does McDonalds stop serving breakfast?

I'm pregnant, and im REALLY craving a Sausage biscut, OJ and a hash brown from McDonalds, its 9:20 here, what time do they stop seriving breakfast? Am i too late? Please help quick!!!! lolz

Interesting Travel Proposition.?

Okay.. Me(17) and my two friends (17 and 18) want to go on a road trip for summer break. Now, we are going to need to get into a hotel and the only person who is 18 doesn't have a drivers license. Could he use a Social Security Card to get us a room for the weekend?

Why do Christians make partners in the worship of the God?

Your question is not making any spiritual sense. What do you mean by partners pertaining to the scriptures you shared? And also Paul didnt make up anything after Jesus went to heaven.

Amazing animal feat, a Dog rescues a human.?

I've been rescued by dogs too numerous to count, and I have failed in so many more. Thousands more. If I could I would open a forever sanctuary for dogs, and pets but it still wouldnt help all of them. I currently live with 6 wonderful dogs, and 3 wonderful cats soon to be 4 again.

Government and unrestricted immigration into the UK?

A government doent released today reveals that officials made it clear that the public were against relaxing border controls, but ministers were urged to ignore those 'racist' views and go ahead with secret policies to encourage the flood of people coming into the UK. I am not racist, I'm kind of an immigrant myself and members of my family are coloured, but why do put with a political leaders who deliberately ignore us, lie to us, and consider our views (when they clash with theirs) to be racist or ill considered. In the US, Nixon was forced out for just this kind of behaviour. Why do we put up with this?

What appliance should I replace to conserve more energy?

Washer and Dryer, go for the energy star ones!!! and replacing you regualr light bulbs with those swirly ones saves alot over time!

What sad sack of potatoes is the GOP going to put out to pasture against Obama in 2012?

I hope it's Sarah, not only because it would clear the way for Obama's victory, but because it would likely be one of the most entertaining elections of our lives.

Need help living with my annoying sister and mom?

Go walk around all proper and tell the two of them in a brttish accent to shut the heck up and see what happens. Works every time :]

Baby hand/footprint tattoo. What does the tattoo artist need?

I think you would bring in the card of your baby's foot print from the hospital, they will then scan it onto their computer, size it & then print it out on the transfer paper to apply to your skin.

Is there a problem if my laptop which doesn't have a battery gets shutdown during powercuts(frequently)?

Since my area faces frequent powercuts I have a doubt whether there would be a complaint for the motherboard due to these improper shut downs..Anybody got any ideas??

Does anyone know what Swarovski uses to glue their pieces together?

The pieces are fused by heat. As the other person mentioned, Swarovski recommends epoxy glue for joining crystals. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why did Bush want Saddam so bad, he was our best defense against Iraq?

Most people have forgotten this but when GW Bush was on the presidential campaign trail he said he would take down Saddam. This ways way before 911.

I'm looking for a PDA that will run Word and Excel. That's all I really need it to do. Any suggestions?

All Windows based PocketPC's (check out HP iPAQ's specially) or you could get a PalmOS PDA and install an Office alternative on it :P

Rate my Pokemon HeartGold team?

your team looks pretty good over all,a good selection of types. the only problem is the feraligatr thing with surf. if your playing playing online or with friends, surf isn't really that great. i know you said that you didn't use it for battle but if you could replace that pokemon with another water type that had 4 "complete" moves, your team would be pretty bomb

Looking for info on Blackwood Farm, VT?

I recently got a horse that came through Crowley's auction - I got him from Pee Wee Farm in CT. His coggins is dated 5/16/07. I'm trying to find out more information on him, as I found out he is blind in his left eye - the lens is detached. There is no visable scarring or "trama" marks, and the vet's best guess is a disease of some kind. I'd like to know how old this injury is. He's fine under saddle and seems like he's well adjusted to it, so I'm not very worried, just curious. The only problem is that he's unregistered - and I have little to no info on his previous owner. He didn't have a name apparantley that was carried over from Crowley, so Pee Wee was calling him Willis. I have since changed this to a more suitable "Lucky". He's a sweetheart. I was told he is a TB cross, and the vet thinks he's between 12 and 14 y.o, probably closer to the 14 side. He's dark bay, with only a tiny faded star and tiny little snip on the right nostrel.


So this past weekend I went to this fair type thing & I stopped in one of these shopping tents & I found this really cute ring. I've been searching the internet & cant find anything like it. Anyways it was this whole like biker themed tent & the ring was a silver 3d heart with two skulls in it. Unfortunately they only had it in 1 size :( So any help would be greatly appreciated :)

How is high school in America?Can u explain to me?Thanks!?

Cos I'm Italian,guess the best way to know what I wanna know is ask to american people...isn't it??So...i was watching the tv just until 15 minutes ago,"Cinderella story" of Hilary Duff.Is the school....a crap like that?Actually it seems so cool,I mean,it's really different from italian high school.In every particular (if I wrote right...) but...the cheerleader are really so skank!?They're so...girly-girls!And the school team's guys and the jokes and...everything.People who kick someone else's *** is the social thing,I mean.Thanks and...well I apologize for my grammar!

Chem help needed! Gas law question.?

A sample of methane gas was prepared and collected over water at 25.0 degrees C when the atmospheric pressure was 748 torr. Its volume was 426 ml. If this sample were completely dry, what volume would the methane occupy at 7.60x10^2 torr and 273 K? The vapor pressure of water at 25 degree C is 23.76 torr.

Is this a goood essay start?

Lady Macbeth did influence Macbeth’s decision to kill Duncan. She attacks his manhood and makes him feel like a coward. Furthermore she attacked his courage and pride when she said to him, “Art thou afeard/ To be the same in then own act and valor/As thou art in desire? Wouldst thou have that/ Which thou esteem’st the ornament of life,/ And live a coward in thine own esteem, / Letting ‘ I dare not’ wait upon ‘ I would’ “ (1.7). By questioning Macbeth’s desire for the crown she makes him feel like a coward which leads Macbeth to commit regicide. More importantly lady Macbeth questions his manhood when she tell him that, “ When you drust do it, then you were a man; And to be more than what you were, you would Be so much more the man” (1.7). She puts the thought in Macbeths head that by killing Duncan he will become more of a man. In conclusion Lady Macbeth did not kill Duncan but she challenged his manhood and his courage which motivated Macbeth to committee the crime.

Why is an "A" in college 94% +?

I don't know abut the rest of you, but when i was in high school an "A" was considered a 90% or higher and was weighted at 4.0. However, in my college and "A" is 94%+ and a 93% is an "A-" which is weighted at 3.677. Does this make sense?For a 1 % difference it drops your GPA a third of 1 point. Futhermore, in high school a "B" was 80-89.99% but in my college a "B" is 84-87 % and an <82% is a B- which is weighted 2.677. Is this the same for all colleges? Is this how they've chosen to deal with 'grade inflation?" opinions and comments needed

Zebra eye make up?

ok, i think i might go to a fancy dress party as a zebra (don't ask), and i need to do something special with my eye make up. One of my friends told me that she saw a picture of Sophie Ellis Bextor with zebra-style eye make up on, but i haven't been able to find it. Does anyone have a copy of the picture i can see, or can they tell me how to do it myself. I was thinking i could just paint stripes on with white and black eyeliner, but i'm not sure where i should start (I only want it round my eyes). Thanks loads guys!

Mickie James needs to come back?

i think the Batista thing was the last straw. i have heard she was annoying people and had a bad attitude.

20 gallon high stocking suggestions?

Try replacing Ember with low waste fish like Neons or Harlequins. But I don't see a reason it wont work. Just make sure cherry shrimp have lots of hidins. If a Betta is hungry the young shrimp will become an expensive appetizer.

Who Is The Top 3 Teams In The NFC Right Now?

I think that all three of those teams are great, but you are forgetting the Chicago Bears. They added offensive line help, got a blocking TE like Mike Martz wanted, they added a DT to their already great Defensive Line, and they got the possession receiver they needed in Roy Williams. If they improve their secondary and Jay Cutler is consistently good, I see no reason why they can't win it all.

Crochet question?

I have made capes with both the double and the triple crochet stitch ripple, and it would work in a baby blanket or afghan.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Why did Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg betray his F�hrer?

they wanted to end the war ,they saw that it was going bad for them (germany)and they wanted to end it and sue for peace .

Cat Behavior Concern?

I have a friend who had taken her persian cat to the vet and ever since then the cat seldom gets out of the litter box. The cat is an adult cat and has been to the vet before. He just has never slept and layed in his litter box like he is now. He does comes out for awhile to eat but, goes right back in the litter box afterwards. This cat is the only cat in the house and there are no children around him. He also has 2 litter boxes that are cleaned out regularly. Any ideas?

I found a tick on my son, has had rash for about 2 weeks, is this a concern?

my 2 year old son , has had several different looking rashes the last couple of weeks, it has been a course of 4 weeks, one weeks it was a rash that looked like scarlet fever, the rash, no other symptoms, just the rash, then this week he had a fe difrant looking patches of skin abut dime size , all over his arms and shoulders, the dog say ( kids get rashes all yr time) no biggie!! well this morning i was fixing his hair and found a tick! on the back of his neck, his hair was covering it, mu dogs don't have ticks, he could have gotten it form the dog park!! so dose the rash have something to do with the tick???

Kicker solo x question?

I am looking into buying an 18" Kicker Solo X to be powered by a Kicker Warhorse amp. Would i need to get a new battery, reinforced windows, and a capacitor?

Meanings of advent candles??!!!?

does anyone know the meanings of the four advent candles lit on the Sundays leading up to Christmas. I know peace, hope, salutation and eternal life, so any others would be great

Do you know your mom and pops favorite bands? dad likes the Beatles, Moody Blues, and ELO (all of whom I love). My mom likes James Taylor and some soul and R&B singers, who I don't really care for.

I am German,do i need some company in canada if i like apply for work visa in tha Europe?

I am two citizen German and Czech but Czech need first have some campany in Canada and than can apply for work visa,for German is same or German dont need some company over there and just apply for work visa here and than go to Canada and fine some company?

Spring Awakening Tickets?

I want to go to Spring Awakening on march, but I can buy tickets via internet or phone because I'm from Venezuela and we have limited use of dollars at the official rate, so I have to options: Waiting until I'm in New York and hope there are tickets left or finding a retail store in Miami that sells tickets for Spring Awakening. Are there any retail stores in Miami that sell the tickets? Do you think there will be tickets left when I arrive to New York on march?

Gears of War 2 one of the biggest Ripoffs?

Quite frankly I am so unbelievably pissed off at GOW 2. Why? You guessed it, the connection woes. Here I spend $60 dollars on the game, and because it used to take 40 minutes to load into a match I upgraded and bought a $60 dollar router. The router helped, I get connected to teams right away or never over five minutes. But whats the point in getting connected fast if all those dumb glitches are still there. Now with Halo 3 or basically any other multiplayer game I could play online glitch free with just the cable modem that my service gave to me, not with gears its almost a $130 investment just to play a glitch free game one every five games. This is ridiculous and EPic has just stole my money. Why I would even post is because when you do have good connection then, this is one of the most addictive and very fun games, in my opinion way better than COD or Halo. But who wants to glitch around the map in an unfair game. Many times since the release of this game, they have said they would fix all the bugs and make it balanced and fair. NO THEY HAVE NOT. My question is how can I make myself be the host, seeing as how with the millions of dollars they have made their greedy retardedness won't buy their own game servers so individuals don't have to be a host.

Why do bad credit loan companys charge upfront fees, is it legal?

It's not just bad credit loan companies - most of them do it. they justify it as "administrative costs" and yes, it's legal. You should see the cost of it when you're buying a house!

Minnesota Vikings new quarterback?

Brett Favre won't be here next season, and Tavaris Jackson is not very good. Who do you think the Vikings will get next season as QB?

Plz help.i'm 19. will my size change?

i'm 19 years old, 159 cms tall (5ft 3in). i weigh 40 kgs, waist 26 inches. i have small (30A). will my size change if i gain weight?

GUYS who are PRO-LIFE?...?

ultimatly its her choice and if i got her pregnant then i have to support her in any decision be it her having it and me helping raise the child or aborting it or giving it up. but its her choice

Exhaust question please help?

hi i have an 07 f150 4.6 v8 and what would be better cherry bomb extreme muffler or a flowmaster supper 44? dont care about price or performance i just wnat it to be loud... iam leaving everything else stock... also i will be using turndowns inplace of the tail pipe...

Advice/Info on card counting?

I am wanting to learn everything I can about card counting. I have found a couple card counting tutors on the net but neither of them worked on my computer. If anyone knows any good sites that explain card counting thoroughly or card counting tutors/simulators that help you learn please let me know. Also if there are any better free blackjack games on the net than yahoo games, like one that is more realistic, please let me know if you have any info or anything.

Please help!!!! 3 variables that would affect period of pendulum!!!?

the angular velocity, the length of the "radius", and the m of the weight at the end of the pendulum =]

What's up with the muslims cherry picking on this board?

It's impossible to be religious without cherry-picking, so every religious person does it. Now, if Jesus said something about removing the plank from your own eye before fussing over the specks in the eyes of others, that would be ironic, wouldn't it? Oh, wait. . . he did.

What's a lumbar probe?

ok i'm going to start by saying i feel sorry for you what it is they put a probe into you back like a needle so they can run some tests

If road pricing is introduced, would it be a good idea to allow a basic free milage to all road users?

It seems to me that if road pricing is introduced, (I hope not) it would be unfair on the "less well off" and would lead to a "rich only" culture of road users. By allowing a basic free personal milage to everyone (Say 30 miles per day) we could at least get to work free. Business milage would need to be dealt with under the company car taxation rules. If it works right, we would all be deterred from using cars just for leisure trips.

What do you think about this?

I'm not sure how you can make her tell you but I think that they are secretly bf and gf because if they weren't they would have said no

Is religion based on Fear or Respect?

the definition of fear is the perceived felling to stop something from happening. like to stop yourself from going to hell you act good to go to heaven. this fear of hell is used to dictate others to build there life around the bible. the Definition of Respect is to admire one so much as to perceive them as great. i do not believe that this Respect for god would drive people to go to church every sunday or build ones life around a book aka the bible. for all who have read the bible see he is great but not perfect.

What was the last thing, that undermined your peace of mind?

I teach severely handicapped children (28 years now) and one of my students smacked my aide with a metal bin and really hurt her, because he did not want to go home.....due to the Safe Schools Act, he was in trouble and was suspended for 10 days...because he is disabled he did not get arrested, but his mother is raising all kinds of heck, she is saying the aide must have abused him (she didn't) and it was the aide's fault for not ducking the blow. I am the one who has to deal with all this, all the paperwork, meetings, nasty e-mails from the psycho mom, and now that he is back in school I have to bow down to this mother every day about every minute of his day. I can't WAIT until retirement!!!!! I love the kids, but it's the parents I can't deal with anymore.

Why are lots of people so obsessed with being original and unique?

I don't know what mainstream culture you live in but the one I love in EVERYONE LOVE JUSTIN BEIBER!! It's really scary

Is this enough evidence evidence to suggest Mitt Romney can compete in at least some states down south?

Not in the Real South" he can't. Mormons are not Christians, no matter what the official name of their religion is. No way good Christian Southerners will vot for some Satanic candidate that believes in polygamy.

X26c Taser question?

I am a civilian and I live in Los Angeles, If a guy wants to beat me up for no reason with his bare hands and he starts walking toward me do I have the right to legally shoot him with the taser if he doesn't back away after I warn him too? or does he have to have a weapon that can cause serious bodily injury or death ?

Where can I find either a pair of Adidas Campus or Puma Clyde's?

I am a girl and I wear a size 7 or 7.5. I haven't been able to find a place to buy them on the

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Your thoughts of the almighty defensive player of the year?

Revis was the best corner this year...but Woodson was the best defensive player this year, which is what this award was. Revis had 1 job all 16 games, cover the #1 reciever. Woodson played CB, LB, and S and played well at all of them. He covered good recievers like Ochocinco, Rice, Harvin, as well as covering TEs like Vernon Davis. He played great against the run (ex: tackling Ray Rice in the backfield to stop him from getting a touchdown), he's just as good if not better at tackling then Revis. He's a great blitzing corner, and he causes turnovers, both by intercepting pes and causing fumbles. Revis was a great corner, but Woodson was a great PLAYER.

Is anyone else totally in love with the Hunger Games?

Well, the hunger games series are my favorite books of all time!!! I was just wondering if anyone else is totally stoked about the 3rd book?? Also, what are some books that are similar to the hunger games??

What Japanese bands/singers am I missing?

Misia, Dreams Come True, Matsuzaka Shoko, Hitomi, Tokio, Hysteric Blue, Mr. Children, Mr. Moonlight, Hyde, M-flo, Graffiti Boys, Do As Infinity, Super Sonic Dance, Sophia, Tube, Glay, SMAP, ZONE, Da Pump, The Gospellers, Yuzu, Bump Of Chicken ec. etc.

How can you know when your period is over?

Go swimming, have fun with your friends (: You said it was barely coming onto your liner, so it will probably not even come onto your bathers. If does the water will wash it off (: Enjoy yourself, don't let this control your life! Six days though, unlucky.

How long do hiccups last?

my son has been hiccuping & wheezing since yesterday. he is very sick and has been vomiting alot. we are in the hospital now cuz of this. but im worried that there is something wrong with his throat.He is wheezing and hiccup at the same time and his voice is very horse and he wont eat or drink( not even sip water) they did an X-ray and chest looked fine but he sounds very congested. there going to do an CT scan on the chest to check for aspiration. Plus he also has a horrible ear infection w/ bleeding. and im just wondering if the blood is draining down his throat. the doc just thinks its drainage but here's the thing no one has looked back there to see is anything is wrong. Maybe im just being a crazy mom, but i know my kid and when he wont eat or drink and when he cries from hiccups, SOMETHING IS WRONG!!!!! So does anyone have any advice for me.

Question for black people?

if you ask a person who has never taken black history they will say it is bc they can or have no explaination for but if you ask someone who has taken black history they will tell you they woint even use that word out of respect for themselves... but very good question. but i would have to say ignorance.

Why don't people ever go cruising anymore?

I'm 15, and I just watched American Graffiti. I enjoyed the movie. I just wonder why people don't go out and cruise anymore. I would do it in my 1967 Ford Falcon if I could drive it legally. It seems to be a thing of the past. Thanks in advance.

Im new to skateboarding. I just can't get the ollie down?

Every skate trick I've seen looks like it involves ollying. and i can;t even ollie yet. about how long did it take you guys to learn how to ollie?

How can I call a function if either my left, right or spacebar keys are pressed? (Javascript)?

you can use keypress or keydown event and check the key code value of event, if its left or right or spacebar key then do you code.

Help with baby's eye colour.... Brown or Blue?

It is completely random. I have blue eyes and my fiance has brown eyes, and our daughter has blue eyes. My friend has brown eyes and so does her boyfriend and both of her parents, but their daughter also has blue eyes. My mother has blue eyes and my dad had brown eyes, and I have blue eyes and my sister has brown. In the's almost a coin toss, but with a slight advantage to the brown eyes.

European civilization doomed if does not preserve Christian values -?

yes but then the whole world is in a mess when the beast power rules...some of us will be dead before that!

Plz answer i luv him 2 death but dont know what to do.....?

Leave a note on his bus seat or in his locker. Try starting a small conversation about the day, or maybe even christmas break. Just don't give up. If its real love it will happen! I remember those days! :) Good Luck!

Give me your opinions about Islam, Mulisms, Politics, and Terrorism?

im writing an essay and want to know what people think. i would like it if you stated your religion, age, and race at the end so i could do a statistic too. thank you.

All faiths: Why is it so hard for all people to act in love towards others?

Because people will impose their ideals, and do this often, and it's difficult to get along with people who breed hatred and scorn. It is usually received with more hatred and scorn. Basically it's incredibly difficult for people to stop being . If you were to give humanity an enema it would greatly reduce the population.

Whats the price of ps3 games in denmark?

check out this site, they give you a playstation 3 FOR FREE!! i got mine last week and i'm luuuuvin' it!

Brit Girl Kidnapped In Nigeria Freed?

brilliant news, and thank god her parents aren't the McCanns, they'd be gutted not to make money out of it!!

My PS3 is connected wirelessly to one of my home computers. That computer got a virus. Is it bcuz of my PS3?

My mother is computer illiterate and thinks that my PS3 is the reason for the virus. But I thought you had to be wired or a hacker to unleash a virus on another computer.

How can McCain do anything for the future?

it is not just his age. He is a repuke that agrees on all the issues that put this country where it is now.

Who's the most famous person in Australia?

I don't mean people like Heath Ledger because he lived in the USA, who's the most famous person that actually lives in Australia?

Is there anyone in the world (alive!) who likes my favourite guy "Adolf Hitler"?

I think his great character and positive services to the world have been eluded behind the WWII victors's propaganda!

Can we end affirmative action now?

You ain't seen nothin yet. Obama has already stated clear intentions toward special interest groups.

Does the recent CNN poll showing that only 2% of Republicans claim any affiliation witth the Tea Party tell us?

Most conservatives, as myself, have never attended a rally or identify with them, but fully support the TEA Party objectives of government responsibility and accountability. Why don't you?

How do I know if my boyfriend really loves or cares for me or is just infatuated?

We met two weeks before he left for Iraq, but talk everyday. He says that I am exactly what he's been looking for all of his life. When he was on furlough we were together 24/7. His parents live near me and love me. He says his mom is a good judge of character. I am a widow and have a daughter and i worry this will change the way he feels. Although he says he is very excited to meet her. I have also promised to wait for him. It's been 5 months and he'll be gone for 9 more, but gets to come home in Feb. He's really great and I love him alot. What do you think?

Question about Canadian exchange rate?

I'm confused. I'm good at math and all, but I'm still a little confused. So let me get this straight. I'll set up a scenario, you tell me if I'm correct. Lets say the exchange rate is 1.2%, and forget about foreign currency exchange fees. So, I have 100 dollars on my debit card, in USD. I go to Canada, and something costs 120, which is 100 USD. I can swipe my card and by the thing that costs 120 CAD, and it will only take out 100 USD. So I can technically use $20 free dollars because of the exchange rate, right? So if I have 1000 USD, I can spend, theoretically, 1200 CAD and not go over my limit? (excluding taxes and fee etc)