Friday, August 12, 2011

Does my dad know that I didn't mean to make him feel uncomfortable?

Yesterday was movie night, so dad and I watched a scary movie yesterday. We sat on the couch, and I just laid back and snuggled with dad. Everything seamed great and I didn't think anything of it. But then my dad's girlfriend picked me up from school today and said we needed to talk. She told me im too old to be snuggling with my dad (im 14). I told her that I didn't know he felt uncomfortable and that it wont happen again. I understand were they are coming from. But I never meant to make anyone uncomfortable, its just that I used to do that lot a few years ago. I just didn't think anyone would mind. Its just that, I look my age but im really immature sometimes. My dad didn't bring it up or anything. But now I cant go to sleep because I dint know if my dad knows that I didn't think it through. My dad knows I didn't mean to make it awkward right?

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