Thursday, August 11, 2011

Explain the controversy surrounding WAL-MART and be prepared to give a detailed opinion abut WAL-MART ? ?

the problem is walmart moves into an area where eight ten even more rural communities start shopping there and the rural retailers who were scratching out existence have to close their doors and then walmart pulls out because they were greedy with starting a store where they did and in some 80 (eighty) cases walmart has devastated rural America where now people have to drive hundreds of miles to shop for items because walmart closed their doors following all the little stores closing. Walmart is bunk! just like what is causing the economic recession we are nightmarishly all involved in, over speculation and greed causing banks, and retailers to close their doors for lack of business following poor landmark lending decisions. Walmart is not going back to the rural communities they ruin and helping them either. they might as well be called strip miners....

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