Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I have a huge crush on this girl and?

"All of the greatest moments of mankind were a result of man's knowledge of his weaknesses, and his attempts to overcome them. As our frontiers shifted from land to sea to space, we pursued our visions and only claimed our stake in the glory of this universe and it's vast infinitance because we were willing to sacrifice everything to gain that something. Though we might have tried and failed many times, it is never the failures which stand remembered throughout the transcension of time, but it is the attempt, in and of itself, that we all look back upon in our times of overwhelming fear or uncertainty. When the Persian army, one of the largest armies of its time, stood over the three hundred Spartans of Greece, though outnumbered they were, despite not a chance they had, the Spartans rose and fought to defend their home, and though they might have lost this battle, it is only ever the attempt that we, as men, remember. This has been proven time and time again. One cannot reside in fear of failure, and believe that the illusions they suffer are life itself, as a life centered in avoiding risk, is a life only half lived."-Jonathan M. Poli, 2011

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