Friday, August 12, 2011

How come Jesus and Satan share the same nick name "BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR" in the bible ? hmmmm?

either your translations are wrong or you just changed it to suit your purpose,either chances are you don't care foir truth anyway you just trying to justify your belief.anyway more accurate translation is...12 “O how you have fallen from heaven, you shining one, son of the dawn! How you have been cut down to the earth, you who were disabling the nations! 13 As for you, you have said in your heart, ‘To the heavens I shall go up. Above the stars of God I shall lift up my throne, and I shall sit down upon the mountain of meeting, in the remotest parts of the north. 14 I shall go up above the high places of the clouds; I shall make myself resemble the Most High.’ ....besides the fact is satan was once lucifer who was the cherub guarding the tree of knowledge of most beloved of the creator and a once most beautiful of spirits explained to us via metaphors such a gold n' jewels adorning him...obviously a spirit world beyond our comprehension but anyway he lost his place as u read and became satan the most despised of spirits....but not even lucifer was ever reffed to in same words as the archangel micheal...oops sorry,jesus.

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