Monday, August 15, 2011

Many questions about tracking the white tail.?

Ok first of all, thanks to everyone that has helped me so much thus far. second of all. would deer prefer to drink at a three mile wide lake or a c that is twenty feel across or some sort of smaller body of water rather than a large body of water or does it not matter to them? third of all, Keeping in mind that after waking up and pooping and urinating deer will most likely go to the water and then eat, do the bucks set up their bedding farther or closer to the water than the dows? fourth of all, I know that bucks are solitary and they do not make their bed next to each other but do dows bed together in groups or do they also bed seperate? a few years back my brother and I were on a nature trail and we saw four or five dows laying on the ground together. Was this their bedding area or were they just socializing?It was in a very bushy area. fifth of all, I know that many times when there is a deer trail that has a lot of traffic the older wiser bucks know that it is dangerous to travel that trail so they will have their own trail parallel to the main trail about forty yards away. now my question is about their trail. If there is one big wise buck using that trail for himself will it end at his bedding area or will his bedding area trail branch off in the middle of his main trail? obviously if their are two or more big bucks using the smaller trail then there will be two or more branch off trails to each of their beds. I hope everyone can understand that question. do dows and buck have different eating ares or do they eat in the same area? do deer normally mate on or off their trails? do the big wise buck that are nocturnal come out durring the day when they are in rut. I know these are a lot of questions but I would really appreciate if you could answer them. thank you all.

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