Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Looking for info on Blackwood Farm, VT?

I recently got a horse that came through Crowley's auction - I got him from Pee Wee Farm in CT. His coggins is dated 5/16/07. I'm trying to find out more information on him, as I found out he is blind in his left eye - the lens is detached. There is no visable scarring or "trama" marks, and the vet's best guess is a disease of some kind. I'd like to know how old this injury is. He's fine under saddle and seems like he's well adjusted to it, so I'm not very worried, just curious. The only problem is that he's unregistered - and I have little to no info on his previous owner. He didn't have a name apparantley that was carried over from Crowley, so Pee Wee was calling him Willis. I have since changed this to a more suitable "Lucky". He's a sweetheart. I was told he is a TB cross, and the vet thinks he's between 12 and 14 y.o, probably closer to the 14 side. He's dark bay, with only a tiny faded star and tiny little snip on the right nostrel.

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