Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Is Rex Ryan and Mark Sanchez the best quarterback coach combination in NFL history?

I'll just go out on a limb here and say NO!!! this has got to be the craziest question I have ever heard. If you arre talking about him being a rookie well what about Harbaugh/Flacco this is the second year in the playoffs with him and last year they made it to the AFC Championship game. What about Bilichek and Brady. How about Favre and anyone? What about Manning and any coach? NFL History is a bold statement to say. Maybe for a rookie but that is farfetched too. He was an AVG QB and Rex Ryan is an AVG Coach. What about Joe Theisman. Montana and his coaches, Steve young and his coaches. I'm just saying look at history before you make a crazy statement like this.I think Elway and Shannahan are the best QB/Coach Combo.

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